Friday, December 17, 2010


When will Caprina arrive???
12/24/2010 -  Jon - 12#24oz @ 12:24

12/26/2010 - G.Gramma Best -  8# @ 3:15am

12/27/2010 - Nate - 7#12oz @ 6:23pm

12/28/2010- Maria- 7#8oz @ 9pm

12/29/2010 - Gramma Betsy - 7#1oz @ 7:01am

12/30/2010 - Grampa Phil - 7#2oz @ 3:45pm

 1/1/2011 - Nick -  8#3oz @ 2:30am

 1/1/2011 - Margot - 7#2oz @ 11:11
1/2/2011 - Grampa Bill - 7#3oz @ 11:15am

 1/2/2011 - Bethany - 7#6oz @ 4:00am

 1/3/2011 - Kelsey - 6#11oz @ 8:45pm

 1/3/2011 - Gramma Becky - 7#12oz @ 9:15am
1/6/2011 - Jackson - 6#14oz @ 5:00am

 1/7/2011 - Inger - 7#7oz @ 7:07pm

 1/7/2011 - Adam - 7#11oz

Caprina's first shower

Sunday, November 14, 2010

33 weeks!

The Keiser family at the Indiana vs. Badger Game! The score was Wisconsin 83 vs. Indiana 2o. Definitely a "low stress" game for a pregnant lady! ha ha ha
Auntie Kelsey, Daddy Nate, Momma Bethany, and 33 week Caprina.
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We just got back from our 32.4 week checkup. We met with the other doctor...Dr. Welsch...a lady Doctor. She is on call Tuesdays and two weekends a month. So, we are more likely to have Dr. Schad as our delivery doctor. But, she said if he is in surgery or something that they may call her in to break my water, check-in, etc. And she said they sometimes work together on c-sections, etc. We both liked her. I thought she was great...Nate thought she had an annoying laugh. And I guess if thats your only complaint...then that is great news! Ha ha!
  My blood pressure was weight gain was good. Caprina's heartbeat was still right around 150bpm. Which she said is normal...she said the heartbeat may slow down as she gets bigger, which is ok too. She measured my belly and said that I should be at about 1 centimeter for every week. And I measured right at 32 I was right on. Caprina gave the Doctor a nice little kick while she was listening to her heartbeat, it was cute! Then the doctor showed us where Caprina was sitting. She grabbed her head which is right now in my lower belly... and then showed us that her bottom is right alongside my bellybutton with her legs curled up (or sometimes into my ribs. Ha.) She also took a guess that with my measurements that Caprina is probably between 4 and 4.5 pounds!!!!  I loved that she took the time to explain to us how Caprina was sitting...and was happy to hear all the good news. To celebrate we went to Walgreens and got Nate his flu shot! What a lucky daddy! We go back in again in two weeks.
  We will be going to the Badger game this I'm hoping to get a "family picture" with Nate, myself and the Caprina bump. Should be a lot of fun, and will post pictures if we do manage to get a cute one! 

Friday, October 15, 2010

29 week baby belly pic

Well, my Auntie Barrie sent me an e-mail requesting a baby bump picture. I don't know why we haven't taken any yet! So here you go!!!
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome to the 3rd Trimester!!!

Caprina has been with us (in my belly) for 27 weeks now! We have entered the 3rd trimester...and mommy and daddy are feeling great! We visited the doctor this week. I only gained 2 pounds this last month. My blood pressure was still good. Caprina's heartbeat was around 145 bpm. My lab tests all came back good, no anemia, no gestational diabetes, etc. And Nate has been hard at work getting his overnights and night visits completed before November and December hit, and we have to worry about him being gone when Caprina decides to show up!
The nursery is adorable and all ready to help little Capri sleep and dream glorious dreams. The dogs are getting used to that room being a quiet room. And the house is slowly coming together! A lot of the bigger projects that I wanted to get done have been completed. The only big project I still have to do is go through the kitchen and get rid of a lot of the "doubles" that we have for kitchen supplies.
We started off the morning, with Nate's alarm going off. And I swear it woke Caprina up. As soon as it went off she started moving around. Nate had his hand on my belly, and was greeted with a little kick hello. It was such a nice way to begin the morning. We were joking about how in a few months, we'd be "rock, paper, scissoring" over who would have to get up and change a dirty diaper at that time of the day. Even though, the other person will probably have to get up as well and feed these silly dogs of ours. Prince Fielder is SO NOISY in the morning until he gets his food. And Cora acts just as obnoxious, just in a quieter more feminine way. There will be very little "sleeping in" at the Keiser house. Which is fine with me. I'm ready for the chaos of being a young mom. Thankfully we have family close by, to give us those much needed breaks for quiet and maybe an occasional afternoon nap?!
I did have to go out and buy a few more clothes. All those shirts that I got this summer that seemed so big and long...not so much anymore! I'm constantly pulling the pants up and pulling the shirt down. It's not a huge deal day to day, since I don't see a ton of people when I'm not out on a job or around town. But this weekend is a huge gathering for Andrew Long... and I didn't want to be worrying about whether my silly pregnancy pants were hanging out, because my shirt was too short :o) It was easier this way to just go shopping!
Anyway, October is shaping up to be another busy, yet fun month. I pray that everything continues to go well for Caprina. Each day is a miracle, and I would like to give her as much time as she needs to grow and mature in the safety of my tummy before she needs to join this crazy world we live in!
Love you Caprina Marie...happy 3rd Trimester. <3

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We bought a Crib!!!

Well, we did it. We went out and bought something brand new for our little girl. Up until now, we have been blessed with friends and family giving us slightly loved, used items. Which has been wonderful, and we will never turn down. But yesterday Nate and I climbed into the Pacifica and went out to make our first big baby purchase. A new crib! It didn't take much to make the final decision, the one we settled on was slightly shorter than all the others. Which is good considering the extremely slanted ceilings in Caprina's room. It also has a beautiful finish on it, that matches our changing table and book case that are in the room.
  Nate carried it upstairs all by himself. Then watched football and put together the crib, while I photographed and entertained the dogs. It took him less then an hour to put together! Thats pretty handy if I say so myself! I was proud of him!
  I'll admit, as I was going to bed last night I peeked into Caprina's room and tried to imagine what it will be like when she's actually sleeping in there. Aww!!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

cuddly Caprina

This is a profile picture of Caprina... she is facing your right and you can see her little nose and lips.
Caprina Marie...she is facing you. If you look close, the dark spot in the lower center of the picture is her lips, her nose is above that, then her eyes (which are closed). She also has her hand resting against her cheek! So cuddly and cute.

Friday, September 3, 2010

It's a.....

Girl!!!!!!!!! We just found out this morning that we are having a little baby girl. Our due date was moved from January 3rd to December 31. So, sometime around the New Year, we will welcome our daughter into the family! Her name is Caprina Marie Keiser. One of my favorite singer/song writers is Colbie Caillat. She has a song called 'Capri', that I love. That is a link to the song on youtube. It always makes me cry...especially now.
All Gramma's and Grandpa's were extremely well as all Auntie's and Uncles. It was sooo hard to wait and tell the Auntie's and Uncles. Nate needed to go to work right away this morning, so we couldn't call everyone right away. I had to wait until the evening... *sigh*... so long!!! But worth it! It was a blast to spill the beans. Pink, pink, and more pink. But Caprina may like purple, and yellow, and green, and orange and red... (all with a little pink mixed in).

Monday, August 30, 2010

22 weeks today: Is baby Keiser a girl? Or a boy?

   Well, we have reached 22 weeks today. I can't believe that only five months ago Nate and I were focused on training for our races, and on our new jobs. Life changes so fast when babies become involved.
   I can't help but think about how it won't be much longer until we will (hopefully) know if we're having a little boy or bringing a little girl into the family! So I've been doing some research. I just took a quiz online and came up with the results of either having a girl or that it's too early to tell.
Another website told me that if your face is round, it'll be a girl. Another told me that if you feel pregnancy has made you uglier, it'll be a girl. Sweet cravings vs. sour cravings means it's a girl. Heartbeats above 140 mean it's a girl. Acne means it's a girl. And when I held a pendant over my hand it definitely swung in a circle...which, again, means a girl!!! Hee hee! That's a lot of myths pointing toward girl... it just makes me even more excited to go in for the ultrasound. It also really makes me want a chocolate milkshake. Hmm...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Trial run on the new blog!

This is just my trial run into the world of blogging. We live in a lovely home, and have room for a baby. However, I did lose my scrapbooking work space. So... virtual scrapbooking here I come! I'm hoping to post little anecdotes of cuteness; pictures and videos that make you go "oooh"; and just daily life updates on how Nate and I are coping with the combination of first time parenthood, dog ownership, marriage, work, and house ownership. With this blog, you can come and go as you please. If you can't get enough of baby Keiser's cuteness, you can check back everyday for updates. Or...if you're busy, you can check in when you have a chance to see how much baby Keiser has changed. We are so excited about everything that is happening, and can't wait to see what the future holds!