Sunday, September 5, 2010

We bought a Crib!!!

Well, we did it. We went out and bought something brand new for our little girl. Up until now, we have been blessed with friends and family giving us slightly loved, used items. Which has been wonderful, and we will never turn down. But yesterday Nate and I climbed into the Pacifica and went out to make our first big baby purchase. A new crib! It didn't take much to make the final decision, the one we settled on was slightly shorter than all the others. Which is good considering the extremely slanted ceilings in Caprina's room. It also has a beautiful finish on it, that matches our changing table and book case that are in the room.
  Nate carried it upstairs all by himself. Then watched football and put together the crib, while I photographed and entertained the dogs. It took him less then an hour to put together! Thats pretty handy if I say so myself! I was proud of him!
  I'll admit, as I was going to bed last night I peeked into Caprina's room and tried to imagine what it will be like when she's actually sleeping in there. Aww!!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

cuddly Caprina

This is a profile picture of Caprina... she is facing your right and you can see her little nose and lips.
Caprina Marie...she is facing you. If you look close, the dark spot in the lower center of the picture is her lips, her nose is above that, then her eyes (which are closed). She also has her hand resting against her cheek! So cuddly and cute.

Friday, September 3, 2010

It's a.....

Girl!!!!!!!!! We just found out this morning that we are having a little baby girl. Our due date was moved from January 3rd to December 31. So, sometime around the New Year, we will welcome our daughter into the family! Her name is Caprina Marie Keiser. One of my favorite singer/song writers is Colbie Caillat. She has a song called 'Capri', that I love. That is a link to the song on youtube. It always makes me cry...especially now.
All Gramma's and Grandpa's were extremely well as all Auntie's and Uncles. It was sooo hard to wait and tell the Auntie's and Uncles. Nate needed to go to work right away this morning, so we couldn't call everyone right away. I had to wait until the evening... *sigh*... so long!!! But worth it! It was a blast to spill the beans. Pink, pink, and more pink. But Caprina may like purple, and yellow, and green, and orange and red... (all with a little pink mixed in).