Monday, August 30, 2010

22 weeks today: Is baby Keiser a girl? Or a boy?

   Well, we have reached 22 weeks today. I can't believe that only five months ago Nate and I were focused on training for our races, and on our new jobs. Life changes so fast when babies become involved.
   I can't help but think about how it won't be much longer until we will (hopefully) know if we're having a little boy or bringing a little girl into the family! So I've been doing some research. I just took a quiz online and came up with the results of either having a girl or that it's too early to tell.
Another website told me that if your face is round, it'll be a girl. Another told me that if you feel pregnancy has made you uglier, it'll be a girl. Sweet cravings vs. sour cravings means it's a girl. Heartbeats above 140 mean it's a girl. Acne means it's a girl. And when I held a pendant over my hand it definitely swung in a circle...which, again, means a girl!!! Hee hee! That's a lot of myths pointing toward girl... it just makes me even more excited to go in for the ultrasound. It also really makes me want a chocolate milkshake. Hmm...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Trial run on the new blog!

This is just my trial run into the world of blogging. We live in a lovely home, and have room for a baby. However, I did lose my scrapbooking work space. So... virtual scrapbooking here I come! I'm hoping to post little anecdotes of cuteness; pictures and videos that make you go "oooh"; and just daily life updates on how Nate and I are coping with the combination of first time parenthood, dog ownership, marriage, work, and house ownership. With this blog, you can come and go as you please. If you can't get enough of baby Keiser's cuteness, you can check back everyday for updates. Or...if you're busy, you can check in when you have a chance to see how much baby Keiser has changed. We are so excited about everything that is happening, and can't wait to see what the future holds!