Friday, October 15, 2010

29 week baby belly pic

Well, my Auntie Barrie sent me an e-mail requesting a baby bump picture. I don't know why we haven't taken any yet! So here you go!!!
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome to the 3rd Trimester!!!

Caprina has been with us (in my belly) for 27 weeks now! We have entered the 3rd trimester...and mommy and daddy are feeling great! We visited the doctor this week. I only gained 2 pounds this last month. My blood pressure was still good. Caprina's heartbeat was around 145 bpm. My lab tests all came back good, no anemia, no gestational diabetes, etc. And Nate has been hard at work getting his overnights and night visits completed before November and December hit, and we have to worry about him being gone when Caprina decides to show up!
The nursery is adorable and all ready to help little Capri sleep and dream glorious dreams. The dogs are getting used to that room being a quiet room. And the house is slowly coming together! A lot of the bigger projects that I wanted to get done have been completed. The only big project I still have to do is go through the kitchen and get rid of a lot of the "doubles" that we have for kitchen supplies.
We started off the morning, with Nate's alarm going off. And I swear it woke Caprina up. As soon as it went off she started moving around. Nate had his hand on my belly, and was greeted with a little kick hello. It was such a nice way to begin the morning. We were joking about how in a few months, we'd be "rock, paper, scissoring" over who would have to get up and change a dirty diaper at that time of the day. Even though, the other person will probably have to get up as well and feed these silly dogs of ours. Prince Fielder is SO NOISY in the morning until he gets his food. And Cora acts just as obnoxious, just in a quieter more feminine way. There will be very little "sleeping in" at the Keiser house. Which is fine with me. I'm ready for the chaos of being a young mom. Thankfully we have family close by, to give us those much needed breaks for quiet and maybe an occasional afternoon nap?!
I did have to go out and buy a few more clothes. All those shirts that I got this summer that seemed so big and long...not so much anymore! I'm constantly pulling the pants up and pulling the shirt down. It's not a huge deal day to day, since I don't see a ton of people when I'm not out on a job or around town. But this weekend is a huge gathering for Andrew Long... and I didn't want to be worrying about whether my silly pregnancy pants were hanging out, because my shirt was too short :o) It was easier this way to just go shopping!
Anyway, October is shaping up to be another busy, yet fun month. I pray that everything continues to go well for Caprina. Each day is a miracle, and I would like to give her as much time as she needs to grow and mature in the safety of my tummy before she needs to join this crazy world we live in!
Love you Caprina Marie...happy 3rd Trimester. <3